Brick Road Memorial Park

1900 Brick Rd, Ellensburg, WA 98926

Search Brick Road Memorial Park

Are you looking for a particular grave in Brick Road Memorial Park?

Use the search tool to find an individual by name. You can enter their whole name, or parts of their name (such as their first initial)

Results will display the block, lot, row, and grave location. You can use this information along with the map on site to locate the grave.

Click here to load this Caspio Cloud Database

Click map image to enlarge


Visit “Find a Grave”

You can also visit the “Find a Grave” page for Brick Road Memorial Park to search for a particular grave.

You can search for a loved one, view pictures and memorials, and even add your contributions.


1900 Brick Rd,

Ellensburg, WA 98926